Again, Dan approached me with his script (no dialogue, but he described the pacing and imagery throughout). I signed on immediately, because it was right up my alley being wordless and whatnot. It was a perfect collaboration in every way imaginable.

Inbound #5:
The Food Issue
And for all you locals, copies are available at many Boston-area comic shops and locally-owned bookstores, including Million Year Picnic, Harvard Book Store, New England Comics, Brookline Booksmith, Comicazi, Hub Comics, and Comicopia.
Also, the Boston Comics Roundtable is hosting a release party this Friday night (November 5th) from 7-9pm at the Atomic Bean Cafe in Cambridge. Original comic art will be plastered all over the walls. People will be signing books. And I'LL BE THERE! More info, here.
Bravo! Excellent comic. I'm a sucker for "dawn of man" stuff.
I don't know how cooking was discovered, and by the way if that discovery made us more humans, take a look around and you will understand (Afghanistan, Middle East, North Korea, Congo) what i mean... Anyway I have enjoyed a lot your hypothesis,and above all how it's drawn.
Congratulations and thanks for sharing
Love this!
By the way -- my son (6) mentioned that he re-read Heeby Jeeby the other day. He wants the next one. :)
Hey thanks! I definitely enjoyed working with the story Dan presented. And James—we've nearly enough comics for Heeby Jeeby#2. Tell your son we'll be on it, pronto!
Wow, really cool! Great job!!
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