Last night I hosted the 3rd Annual Pumpkin Carvin' Party at my apartment. We had about a dozen friends over to celebrate. This is what October is all about, folks!

Here a a few pre-candle photos; this grinning bunch includes mine on the left and Taryn's on the right.

Renee carved an adorable pumpkin this year! Nice touch with the ears :)

Tami did some crazy work with negative space. Wait until you see this one lit (below).

And then—lights out!

Here's an overhead.

Ryan carved one of the most intricate grins I've ever seen.

Eric used an electric dremel for a mean looking Jack Skellington.

Jack-o-lanterns by Jesse and Sara. Sinister!

Keith did a great tribute to Mignola. Wild on negative shapes.

Tami's, too. It really comes to life!

Here's mine.

Taryn's eyes look ablaze!

Hannah's just cracks me up :)

And a close-up on Renee's heart.
Here's to another great year!
I still have a couple more pumpkins to carve—we'll probably save them until Halloween (one for me; one for my wife, Loren).
Thanks for coming out everyone! And here are pumpkins from previous years (2008, 2009).
Including a few solo pumpkins of mine (1, 2)

Thanks for another fantastic year o' carving, Bob! We hope our creations will stay intact and mold-free until the 31st!
Awesome designs! Bummed that I missed it!
Great post, Bob! I'm so happy you took these pictures!
Thanks! One of the many reasons why Halloween rocks!
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