The What the Doodle? gods were shining down on me this week. Somehow (and I didn't pick it) the random word generator spit out the word STUBBLE. That's right, stubble. I decided not to go with the obvious (draw a hideously gross face, add a pinch of nose warts and a dash of chin stubble), so I came up with this scene. It's actually kind of cute for stubble, I think.
Be sure to stop over at Creative Juices to see what everyone else came up with.
Oh, and just because it was that easy to find in my sketchbook, here's that "obvious" approach. Consider it a WTD? bonus.

Nice work. Great idea and illo. Love the expression on the bird and the sheer wacked out fun of it.
Wow Bob! These are so great. I especially love the last guy. Reminds me of "The Old Man of The Mountain!" ;D Haha
Great stuff. I love the stubble on the birds beak, and I gotta say, you draw the best feet in the business!
Thanks as always, fellas! For anyone who's curious, I should've mentioned the charatcers (bird and sun) were drawn in Flash, and the background was painted in Art Rage.
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