I'm back in Boston after a thrilling weekend in Portland, Maine! Tabling at MeCAF was a blast. I met all sorts of wonderful people, and we sold out of the first print run of Heeby Jeeby Comix #1. There were 28 copies sold—I saved one for myself and my parents. The kid turnout was phenomenal! (For the festival as a whole, too). It was the first time I got to see kids reading Heeby Jeeby Comix, and I couldn't be happier with their response. I'd say I sold about half the books directly to kids (with their parents funds and approval). The other half went to my comics peers which I have to say a huge thank you to.
I was manning the table for most of the day (the kids kept coming!), and we were in the lower section so I didn't make it up to the larger room as much as I would've liked to chat it up and buy comics. Apologies if I didn't swing by your table. The comics I did get a chance to sneak out with are phenomenal (two by James Hindle and Joseph Lambert, in particular).
The biggest thank-yous go out to my wife Loren Lee-Flynn (seated beside me in the photo above), Renee Kurilla (who I shared the HeebyJeeby/Zebrafish table with), and Keith Zulawik. Also thanks to Maribeth Bush for taking this photo of the four of us.
Again, thank you to everyone who made it out to support comics this weekend in Portland, Maine. Huge kudos go out to Rick Lowell and his team from Casablanca Comics for organizing and running a near perfect event.
I'll be ordering the next batch shortly, and I'm still collecting a running tally. So if you're interested in a copy, send an email to:
heebyjeeby (at) jinxthemonkey (dot) com . I will file away your request and get back to you when online purchasing is available. Thanks!
allways is wonderfull that a children likes your job, they are very honest.
Glad to hear that everything went so well Bob.
It's also nice to see a photo of you. Now I have a face to put to your name.
Congrats! I'm really impressed with the grass roots movement over the last few years with so many independent storytellers getting their work out in the world. I grew bored with superhero comics years ago and an abundance of work like yours has reinvigorated my love for the sequential panel form.
I'm SO disappointed I missed the event. You guys look like four 15 year olds at the school science fair!
Hey guys! Thanks! We do look like a bunch of dorks, don't we :) This was the entrance section, btw. The event had a larger room that was much more scenic with windows looking out onto the ocean.
Hey speak for yourself! :)
Sorry we missed you too, Chris! Hopefully next time!
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