My friend
Wes Dzioba commissioned me to draw up some cute food illustrations for his newborn son's bedroom (congrats on baby boy, Wes!) I know what you're thinking—
what's gotten into this Flynn guy? Believe it or not, I don't have to draw gross things all the time. I enjoy drawing cute characters as well.

Wes and I worked out the scenarios together—the hotdog/corn combo was mine; sushi/wasabi was his clever idea.

They're cute enough to eat, aren't they? ;)
By the way, you should remember Wes for his amazing job coloring the
SpongeBob comics I worked on for
Nick Mag.
I love the wasabi cannon ball! The sashimi doesn't seem to know what it's in for.
haha these are so fun! honestly, i feel like those pieces of sushi a lot when i'm around wasabi. because i'm a wuss.
Cute ideas! Nice work!
Ha! Eric said: "BOB did these??"
Great work - I think you may be in for a lot more "cute" commissions.
ha! i *love* the sushi scenario! very fun!
Awesome cute stuff:)
I like both the ideas. One lucky kid!
Wasabi is the best!!!
Hehe! OMG Bob, like RLY CUTE stuff. ;) So neat to see this kind of work from you!
Well, I'm glad you all seem to like the "cute" side. But don't fret!...I'll be back drawing weird gross stuff before you know it ;)
They seem to enjoy a no-hungry-people-around-scenario.
Otherwise their cuteless would be worthless.
aaaaawwwwww, so cute!
HAHAHAHA AWESOME! These are super cute.
Working on any films these days, Bob? All your drawings deserve to move around and be animated
Hey there, Chris. I've been putting more time into comics lately, so no films in the pipeline. But I still need to scratch that animation itch, for sure.
really wish the hotdog and corn were a t-shirt....cause I would totally buy it.
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