This week's "What the Doodle?" was a longish word: Extinguishable. I admit I kind of went off on a tangent to create a pretty bizarre looking creature. The candle has already been extinguished, so what remains that might be extinguishable....hmmm?

Here's my original pencil sketch. And below is the inked version (I did this one in Flash).

As always, be sure to hop on over to Creative Juices to see what everyone at FableVision came up with.
That is one scary-ass creature Bob!
Everything about this is soooo damn good...except I don't want to imagine these two cute little kids being consumed by this beast!
I love when you include your original pencil work. It always impresses me that you don't ever seem to lose anything during the process. Your pencil sketch, then the inked version, and finally the coloured piece all look amazing.
Thanks as always, Jason! Who knows, maybe the kids will figure a way out of this one. In the spirit of boss battles, that bulging eye looks awfully vulnerable.
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