I was just looking at some of my work from college and stumbled upon this "morning routine" I created for an assignment on infographics. Even though it's over 6 years old at this point, much of it remains true, except that I usually where glasses now. And I'd be marching to the 501 Express Bus on route to FableVision, instead of the Lewis Center at WashU.

Previous college post: Satanic Currency
Hey Bob, this is hilarious, but I would like to argue that Frosted Mini Wheats is the breakfast of illustrators....at least it helps out with my push ups every morning.
Hope all is well at Fable!
These days it's Reese's Puffs cereal!
Thanks, Julia!
This was fun to read...wish you would have saved a slightly larger file though. Good blog! :)
Hi! I'm Sherline & I'm currently working on my PhD thesis titled "Exploring Modes of Static Visual Narratives" I would like to use this infographic you created for my research purpose. Is it oki for me to do so? Of course i will be mentioning your name as creator and your blog as source for this work. You can write to me at sherline@gmail.com if you have any querries. Thanks.
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